
The luthiers at our workshop are very much specialized and technically ver well trained, with a long experience. The main activities are repair, restoration, set up and sound adjustment.
Continuous training and investment in knowledge and innovation are keys on the workshop’s improvement, achieving a high level in the restoration field.
The current luthiers team consists of three great professionals each one with different but at the same time complementary knowledge.
Bows: rehair, repair and restoration
Take the most out of your bow by changing the bow hair regularly: we replace the old ones with new high standard Mongolian hair. We guarantee the best job by our own bow maker.
Alex Canals
Luthier, specialized in basses and cellos, with more than 30 years of experience in our workshop.
Jordi Termens
Luthier, specialized in violins and violas, with more than 15 years working very satisfactorily with us.
Ignasi Flo
Bow maker and restorer, he made his apprenticeship in our workshop. Further on he went to Montpellier where he made a stage with the french bow maker Pascal Camurat.